Sunday, January 6, 2013

Compression Socks - Do or Don't?

So, I have been wearing elastic material, (old shin guard holders), around my calves when I run for some years now - I don't know if it is mental, but I seem to have less soreness or strain from runs, (for some reason my calves give me problems - probably because I am a bit of a "toe runner").

Recently I have been wearing the compression socks I received in the hospital during my extended bed recovery sessions after my neurosurgeries - I honestly feel like they provide some benefit, but it could be mental, as I mentioned.

My main focus would be the benefits of some support for calf muscles whose tendons merge to create the achilles tendon...

Here is a link to another blog that has a brief review on the use of compression socks - the author is a coach.

Science of Running: Compression Socks

Here is a link to the socks I think I am going to give a whirl - I'm a sucker for mizuno...

Mizuno Compression Socks

any thoughts?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December 31 - January 6

December 31:
4 mile jog

  • So, I guess my accomplishment was indicative of 2 thing
    1. P90x does enhance your cardiovascular health
    2. P90x is hard enough that I basically said to myself, "Man, I rather just go for a run..."
  • It went rather well, I think - I didn't push too hard, averaged around 9:45min/mile, which is fine with me right now...
  • relative soreness
January 1
Happy new year....

So, I didn't do much this week as I got re-acclimated to my new school schedule and seemed to have been fighting off a cold - but I have it figured out for next week

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 24 - 30

December 24-25:

Holidays - hope it was a good one!

December 26:
Jog, Shoulders/Arms, Ab ripper X

  • Since I want to ultimately get back into more running I did the jog first to get more out of it
  • Completed 2mi - no time taken... felt good in the snow/sleet
  • Shoulders/Arms - just knowing the routine helped prepare mentally
  • was able to get better quality reps out of each exercise since I knew what was in store
  • Ab ripper X: utilizes plenty of core muscles, including upper thigh... I am guessing that because I ran first is the reason they tightened up so much...

December 27:

  • So, this is still a great workout
  • I can tell my balance is improving just with the basic exercises I have been doing
  • Couple of issues
    • 1) My flexibility is a real hindrance
    • 2) So is my spare tire - I feel like I could do the moves more easily if it was out of the way... Duh, right?
December 28:
Core Synergistic X/Jog
  • So, core synergistic wasn't what was on schedule today, but because I missed it monday and it is a great workout, I wanted to fit it in
  • My issues with this workout are that I still fatigue fairly quickly with the push-up rounds and the variety of such, (staggered, chatarunga runs, etc., etc..)
  • Because I STILL want to be a runner again, I followed up today's workout with a 2mi jog... felt fairly okay, but only managed 10min miles...
December 29:
Shoveling and playing in snow for a couple hours - it felt like a workout

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 17 - 23

So, as I said yesterday I started on a mixed P90x/jogging campaign

December 17:
Core synergistic DVD for P90x + 1mi post jog

  • Pretty good workout; couldn't keep up with everything - had to take a couple breaks throughout.
  • Jog was tiresome
  • Felt ridiculously sore during the evening

December 18:
CardioX DVD for P90x:

  • Woke up really sore from the previous day
  • Warm up on the DVD really loosened me up
  • I was able to do this DVD with greater success than the day before
  • Already feeling ridiculously sore, again
December 19:
Shoulders/Arms, Jog, Ab ripper X:

  • So, I was pretty sore - back, hamstrings, required a message; warm up of DVD was helpful - considered if it was actually a good idea to workout while so sore, went for it anyway
  • Decided that since I needed my core to run that the order would be Shoulder/Arm, Jog, Ab ripper
  • First DVD where I had to use weights often - used the only set I had, 10lbs weights and "20lb" resistance bands - perfectly fine for me and the number of repetitions required
  • DVD went well, certainly "burned"
  • 1.8mi or so on the jog, fairly slow/easy since my hamstrings were still sore
  • Ab ripper X - it's ridiculous, (for me at least), I could not keep up to do the number of reps per exercise - sure I am going to have a hard time moving tomorrow

Jam of the day

December 20:
Legs, Back, Ab Ripper X:
Since I didn't write about it that day - the only thing I can recollect was that it was hard... Legs became very sore...

December 21-23:
Ridiculously sore... rested...

Monday, December 17, 2012

So, the fall was a disaster... But December could be the start of something new...

What a disaster the fall was - no matter how I tried to "plan" my workouts I just ended up too busy, tired, etc., etc.. I'm just making excuses but it didn't help that I had an irregular class schedule and tests nearly every 1.5wks...

I've just wound up going father down the spiral and in even worse shape

I tried parking farther away from school so that I'd at least get a decent walk in everyday; 15min in and 15min out... but that did little to curb anything

So, here is what I started today - my first official day of christmas break

About a year and a half ago I purchased P90x to go along with my running plan I was doing at the time - I really couldn't do it because it gave me a massive headache, (that was the tumor). So, the DVDs have just been sitting around nearly untouched for all this time.

Today I busted them out...

Because I am ridiculously out of shape I decided to do the "lean program," which pretty much means it is easier than the "classic" or "double." It seems that it is basically "suped-up" calisthenics without much concentration on weighted resistance - so it should be great for building core strength to help improve my running.

Now I still want to get back into running form, so the idea is that I will supplement the P90x schedule with light jogs afterwards - until I am able to do more...

Here is my sample schedule:
And I will be the first to admit, today was rough...

The core synergistic workout consisted of a lot of planking, push-ups, and lunges with variations of how each is done.

I was only able to accomplish a light 1 mile jog afterward - I was just beat...

My plan is that because I have a 2.5 week break in school, that I can establish a routine in that time... Also, I am finished with my lecture classes, all I have to do is concentrate on my research now.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 2... Failure

Week 2...

What to say? Well, one thing I have figured out is that if I don't get up early and get the work in, it doesn't get done... As the day goes and the number of tasks I need to complete increase, I just can't seem to break away.

So what did I end up with?

Wednesday - 3.0mi

Sunday - 3.5mi
Today wasn't so bad. I did 3.5mi in just over 32min. I didn't feel like I was pushing myself, given it's only week two. I shortened and quickened my stride. My legs felt pretty light and springy, but post run my calves tightened up a lot...

Post run workout: Just an ab/core workout...

30 sit-ups, 30/30/30 secs front and side planks, 30 leg lifts, 30 russian twists, heels up.

Song of the run:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 2

I need to find a way to better budget my time - I didn't realize what variable time constraints school was going to place on me.

Monday started rough, torrential downpour all day long outside and I only had my running shoes... Would this normally be a problem? No. I normally don't mind my running shoes soaking wet, but I had been away from home for a couple days and my kinvaras were the only shoes I had. Yesterday I was just swamped... EXCUSES EXCUSES, right? I have to plan better and buck up... Anyway, on to Wednesday...

Wednesday: So, tonight - gave the ol' Kinvaras a good test... 3.0mi jogged, .3mi walked... Felt great. Tonight I tried out my mizunos vs my kinvaras for a quick loop before starting. Honestly, they felt pretty similar. So, my plan is to wear the kinvaras until something seems to start feeling funny.

Post-jog... Broke it out old school. 25 sit ups, 15 push-ups, 30/30/30secs on front planks and oblique planks, 15 push-ups, 25 leg lifts, 15 push-ups, 20 "russian twists," heels up, 15 push-ups...

Song of the jog: